Find your "Why".
Mental Health ->
Elevate your emotional wellbeing through possitive replacement.
The App ->
We're building tools to support your mental health journey.
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Find out how you can join us in lifting the world.
Dessa Skye ->
Learn about the singer and visionary behind My Instead.
Mental Health
Why do you keep on going when it feels like all of the light is gone?
At My Instead, we are dedicated to helping individuals who struggle with mental health challenges and thoughts of suicide find a reason to live, not just keep from dying.
It's vitally important to address the immediate crisis of suicidal thoughts. But My Instead believes that it's equally important to find hope and meaning in your life. Let's address both the immediate crisis, AND the long-term journey of healing and recovery. We believe that every individual has the potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, and we're here to help you discover what that looks like for you.
Find your reason to keep on living. Find your "Why."
My Instead is building an app to help people find reasons to live.
Get suggestions tailored to your immediate needs if you are in a crisis, or longer term lifestyle changes and goals if you're doing better.
Build a collection of your "Insteads" that you can access any time to remind yourself why life is worth living.
This is a work in progress, but we hope to have more information soon.

Dessa Skye
I'm a singer/songwriter and the heart behind My Instead, a nonprofit organization fighting against suicide.
I believe in the incredible power of music to touch hearts and heal souls, so I'm using my music to bring light to the darkness and help people find a reason to live.
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